There are like 17,000 versions of this journey I could do to unpack all the layers of myself; it’s incredible. And…I’m just beginning to be a traveler in this world.”

-a participant -

Hi, precious soul.

What are the ways you struggle to show up for yourself ?

As marginalized people that want to see a more liberated world,
that dream in visions of CHANGE and FREEDOM,
we are damn good at showing up for others - for causes, movements and those we love.
(Or even random strangers in the grocery store.)

But nearly all of us can name ways we fail to show up for ourselves.

That self-abandonment looks different for each of us:

I serve other people at the cost of myself.
I’m exhausted and burned out.
I’m afraid to put my true self out in the world.
I let toxic people treat me like shit.
I over-give.
I advocate for everyone but me.
I’m rarely just my authentic self.
I keep others comfortable at the expense of myself.
I put on a mask.
I don’t even know how to locate what I feel or want.

Maybe you recognize yourself in some of these.
Or maybe - for you - it’s something else.

And if you’re here, maybe - JUST maybe - you’re ready for that to change.
You’re in the right place, love.

Where are the places you struggle to show up for yourself?
How has the trauma of oppression played a part in that?
And what must you do to change it?

Over 7 months,
with 9 other marginalized people by your side,
and 2 leaders teaching and guiding you…
you’re going to figure out what it means
to show up for yourself on your own terms,
however that looks for YOU.

It’s time to stop being in the margins of your own story, and see how the world cracks open when you get free.

Let’s go.

What if, instead of being “the only one” - for once -
you see your internal experience reflected back at you?

I’m deeply impressed by the body of this work. It...has applied to ALL of us in our unique situations and we each were like oh yeah, THAT’s what this is. My relationship to the system. My relationship to myself. The system’s relationship to me. How can I live without relating in these ways? It’s all about relationship in a way that is really profound, that I have NOT found in other spaces.

- a participant -

AUDACITY is right for you if…

  • You’re ready to stop feeling so damn alone and want the relief of realizing you’re NOT the only one that experiences __________.

  • You’re excited to be in an intimate and intersectional space surrounded by other marginalized people…without having who you are reduced to a bunch of checkboxes.

  • You care deeply about systemic injustice and collective liberation, sometimes at the cost of yourself.

  • You’d describe yourself as an over-functioner (the one that tries to fix shit, change shit, handle shit, take on other people’s shit)

  • You’re tired of critiquing systems of oppression without feeling any freer

  • You know you want to show up for yourself in some different ways, but you’re struggling to actually do it.

  • You simultaneously feel excited about stepping into your power, and kinda terrified of what might happen if you do

  • You wish you could trust yourself more deeply.

  • You’d like to experience inside-out change, not surface-level BS. Mindset doesn’t dismantle oppression.

  • You’d like to be deeply supported and guided through experimenting and exploring. You don’t just want to rehash intellectual and theoretical conversations; you can get that shit from a book.

  • You’re done trying to navigate this in your head. You’re ready to be with other people that get it and to give yourself the support you deserve.

Who’s leading you?

It's like a green and blue colored cavern that we all go into once a week – and we can see each other for who we are, whatever the fuck that is that day. Knowing the mutability and accepting the mutability for what that is...where we can BECOME whoever we are. The fact that we’re able to do that with a bunch of people that we don’t know is a testament to the group of people in this space AND the two of your incredible facilitation.

- a participant -

We used to have super stodgy “bios” on this page,
until we realized that’s NOT WHAT YOU NEED FROM US.

Here’s what’s important:

Meera’s a professional coach. You know that already - because you’re on her website.

Eliot’s a therapist. He works with trans, gender-diverse and queer clients through a trauma and attachment lens. He also used to be a professor of education

We’re married, and we really, really like and respect each other.
(That’s important, y’all - no awkward dynamics here.)

And yeah, of course these things matter.

Thanks to our professional skills, you’ll see how the content we teach you is potent and clear, and our reflection exercises will help you unlock things about yourself.

You’ll feel the way that our warm co-facilitation creates room for you to be super REAL in discussions (with our powers combined…)

But the real power of this work
is that it’s born out of a combination
of what we’ve learned and who we are.

Meera’s self-liberation framework - the foundation of this group course -
emerged from helping her clients’ disrupt their own patterns,
and then beginning to practice what she was learning on herself.

It was scary as fuck.
It was also the only way to bring this work to life.
You can’t teach it unless you also embody it.

So in this space, we teach and lead by example.

Every question that we ask you is one that we’re constantly engaging with ourselves.
Every facet of yourself that we invite you to explore is something we’re exploring, too.
Every concept and skill we’ll expose you to are things we use, too.

So as you work to disrupt your internalized shit,
and show up more fully for yourself,
you’re going to be hearing about ways that WE’RE currently doing it.

And when you feel nervous, hesitant, or unsure - we’ve been there, too.

The real power of this space and how we lead
is that we’re ALL inside the work together.

You. Us. And nine other beautiful people.

And when you’ve spent a lot of your life feeling like you don’t quite fit anywhere,
there’s nothing more powerful than that.

We can’t WAIT to help you show up for yourself -
differently than you ever have before.

-Meera & Eliot

Ready for some details?

What you’ve done is built us something that is a result of the work itself. You…meet yourself with the concepts that you’re trying to teach us, of radical self-trust. So that you can use your own experience in this way that allows you to actually understand it, rather than an outsider that’s trying to teach it. Someone that hasn’t experienced internalized oppression and hasn’t been able to treat their own experience with acceptance wouldn’t be able to create this. You can tell that this process is built out of doing what you preach.

- a participant -


Audacity is a
7-month live, interactive group course
for marginalized people ready to make a radical commitment to showing up for yourself in a world that has trained you to keep others comfortable at your own expense.

You’ll do this in an intimate, curated cohort (capped at 10 or fewer) - all people who also have marginalized identities.

In our 6-hour kickoff and weekly 90-minute calls,
we’ll use a combination of
internal reflection exercises,
and conversation

…to move you through the following experience:

  1. We begin with our 6-hour virtual kickoff gathering! This sets up all of our work to come. We start to create genuine connection with one another, and help you begin to narrow in on your “Area of Change” - the area in your own life where you’d like to show up differently for yourself.

  2. …followed by 7 months of WEEKLY 90-minute gatherings (full details further down this page), where you’ll be facilitated through:

    - PHASE 1 (7 weeks): Understanding how your strategies to survive oppression have turned into the things that internally suppress you. What does that look like for YOU? .

    - (2-week integration break)

    - PHASE 2: (7 weeks): Deciding how YOU are going to disrupt those patterns - using Meera’s Self-Liberation Framework!

    - PHASE 3: (15 weeks) Experimenting with a completely new way of engaging with the world and your own power, even when that world remains oppressive and unjust. Engaging with concrete ideas, tools and concepts that allow you to move through your experiences with greater ease, intentionality, internal power and self-trust.

    - (We’ll have an additional integration break in May, in the midst of Phase 3!)

  3. One 30-minute private coaching call with Meera during Phase 2, where we’ll make sure you’re feeling clear on your area of change and what it looks like!

Our trauma-informed space is imbued with vulnerability, laughter, honesty, love, intention.
You will practice change INSIDE the group and outside of it.
You’ll experience what it’s like to unmask and actually show up as you are.
You’ll also experience the right to fully claim who you are and what you’ve experienced without minimizing it, comparing it, or qualifying it.

“I think this is SO different from other stuff that’s offered in this vein, but there’s no way you could possibly advertise how it’s different, because the difference is in the minutia of what we did on a week to week basis. It’s so unique relative to what’s out there.”

a participant -

So, what HAPPENS

in our gatherings?

There’s only one way to answer that:
here’s the entire journey we have planned.

Each gathering below includes a combination of us teaching a paradigm-shifting concept, immediately helping you explore how it applies to YOU (through self-reflective exercises and activities), and engaging together as a cohort with facilitated conversation/coaching support.

ACCESSIBILITY: for a screen-reader compatible version of the image below, please click here.
(Downloads an HTML version)

Ready to show up for yourself??

We’re SO GLAD!

Our beautiful 2025 cohort is now closed and in progress. Our next run of AUDACITY is planned for 2026 - sign up for our waitlist, below, so we can email you about it in the fall!

-Meera and Eliot

    Ready for some next steps?

    Choose what feels right to you:

    Feeling lit up and curious, and want to talk?

    Unsure and want to learn more?